Audio Mixing

At Masterplus studio we mix all types of music with a tendency clearly oriented towards hybrid electro/acoustic music or based entirely on electronic sources. Julien Courtois, our sound engineer has been immersed in electronic music for many years. Whether from the 21st century with urban music, used in the psychedelic rock of the 70s or even from the 90s with the emergence of Techno, he knows, in addition to his history, all the techniques and machines used according to the different styles. By entrusting him with the mixing of your track, you have the guarantee of quality work based on the exchange and the ultimate search for the sound. Having a thorough mastery of all the stages of production of a track, he can also advise you on equipment and sound recording techniques.

Electronic music-oriented mixing (House, Trip-Hop, Electro pop, etc.)

Our sound engineer, Julien Courtois, was a musician, performer, and producer of electronic music before settling permanently in the studio. In addition to knowing mixing techniques, he has also researched and experimented a lot during the creation of his own tracks and within groups of producers and musicians. By entrusting your mix to Julien, he will be able to bring all his know-how to the creation of your sound identity.


  • Kungs | This Girl | Diamond Record (35x)
  • Kungs | Don't You Know | Platinum Record
  • Klingande | Jubel | Platinum Record (24x)

The Technical Steps of Audio Mixing


A balanced mix always starts with a good flattening. This flat version must already translate the character and the direction that the sound engineer wants to give to the track. It is also at this stage that the choice of pans and the audio routing of the different tracks are made.

Choice of hardware and plugins based on style

This is a crucial step before mixing. Our sound engineer will choose whether he should start with a hybrid analog and digital processing, or 100% digital; whether he will move towards tube devices or plugins, tape recorder emulations, or towards a transparent process retaining the basic character of the recordings.


It is both a technical and an artistic step. Each style of music responds to a sound signature that has been developed over time. A track of urban music should sound bright and punchy, while a 70s-oriented pop/rock track should sound a little dull and all-around warm, thus recalling certain legendary recordings engraved in the collective unconscious.


According to the style of music, the mix must be more or less dense and compact. Thanks to the different types of compressors at his disposal (VCA, FET, Optical or Tube) our sound engineer will be able to reveal all the subtleties hidden inside your recordings and audio tracks. Depending on the style, he will also bring an artistic compression to your tracks, giving character or purely technical choices in order to meet the technical criteria he has set himself.

Adding effects (Reverb, delay, Harmonic Distortion, Tune…)

At this stage of mixing, where everything is possible, it is partly technical but above all very artistic. It is often here that all the originality of a mix is ​​created, at least the most perceptible by the listeners. On a track oriented towards urban music, for example, our sound engineer will produce the voice by creating a clever mix of Tune and distortion sent to a delay which is sent to a reverb. On a rock-oriented track, he will try to create air in the mix by adding a convolution reverb on the drums and add a mixture of chorus, reverb, and delay on the guitar solo to give it all the dimension it needs and deserves.


This is the final step, one that allows through a mixture of equalizers, compressors, and harmonic distortion; to solve the last technical problems that persist in the mix, to add a last shot of glue, and to calibrate the dynamics for meet the criteria of the mastering engineer.

2 Solutions to Mix Your Track

Stereo Mixing

You provide us with your raw tracks in 44.1 kHz | 24 bit minimum. Depending on the style of music and the importance of sound design in your project, Julien may ask you to export certain tracks with your own effects. Analog, digital equipment, and high-end plug-ins will be used for the mixing process. Certain artistic choices will be proposed to you throughout the process or according to your requests. You will exchange with Julien in order to obtain the artistic direction that you have set for yourself.

Starting from 300€

Dolby Atmos Mixing

With our partner, 360 Music Paris, we are authorized by Dolby to produce Dolby Atmos mixes. This new format does not necessarily require a surround system to be play, even if it remains the means of listening that provides the most sensations, it can be listened to with headphones thanks to binaural technology. Learn more

Starting from 200€

Try Before You Commit

For the sake of transparency and for artists and labels who do not know us yet, we offer you the possibility to test the quality of the mixes of our sound engineer, Julien Courtois, on one of your tracks. The test will have a duration representing approximately 3/4 of your track. Thanks to our Fidbak tool, you can easily exchange with Julien on the technical aspects.

Send my audio tracks and test the mixing service


  • Dangerous Music Master
  • Dangerous Music Monitor
  • Dangerous Music MQ
  • Manley Massive Passive
  • Maselec MEA-2
  • Manley Vari-Mu
  • Classé Audio CA-2200
  • Bowers & Wilkins 801D
  • Ecosse speaker cables
  • Monster Power HTS-5100
  • Monster Studio Pro analog cables
  • Prism Sound ADA-8XR
  • Jünger Accent 2
  • UAD Apollo
  • Waves MAXX-BCL
  • Mac Pro
  • Macbook M1 Pro
  • Pro Tools HD
  • UAD Luna
  • Logic Pro
  • Steinberg Wavelab
  • HOFA DDP.Master & DDP Player Maker
  • Weiss Saracon
  • Sonnox Codec Toolbox
  • Monster Studio Pro digital cables
  • UAD Neve & API summing + Ampex & Studer tapes
  • FabFilter (All)
  • Brainworx (All)
  • Amek EQs
  • Bettermaker EQs
  • Dangerous Music Bax EQ
  • Elysia EQs & Comps
  • Knif Audio Soma
  • Shadow Hills Comps
  • Vertigo Sound Comps
  • Lindell Channels & Comps
  • Slate Digital (All)
  • Waves Spherix Comp & Limiter
  • LiquidSonics HD Cart, Lustrous plates & Illusion
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7 rue de la fée Viviane
35650 Le Rheu

+33 977 482 259
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